Wie Sagt Man Noch: Tips To Expand Your German Vocabulary

German is a fascinating language with a rich vocabulary, and there are many ways to expand your repertoire of words and expressions. One of the most useful tools for language learners is the phrase "wie sagt man noch," which means "how do you say again?" This phrase is perfect for those moments when you know a word or expression in German but can't quite remember it. In this article, we'll explore some tips for using "wie sagt man noch" to improve your German vocabulary.

1. Keep a Vocabulary Journal

One of the most effective ways to expand your German vocabulary is to keep a journal of new words and expressions you come across. Whenever you encounter a new word or phrase that you want to remember, write it down in your journal along with its definition and an example sentence. You can then review your journal regularly to reinforce your learning and keep the words fresh in your mind.


  • Word: der Kühlschrank
  • Definition: refrigerator
  • Example sentence: Ich habe meine Milch im Kühlschrank gelassen.

2. Use Flashcards

Flashcards are another great tool for expanding your German vocabulary. You can create your own flashcards using index cards or an online flashcard app like Anki. Write the German word or expression on one side of the card and the English translation on the other side. You can then study the flashcards regularly to reinforce your learning and test your recall.


  • Front: der Kühlschrank
  • Back: refrigerator

3. Read German Literature

Reading German literature is an excellent way to expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of the language. Choose books that are appropriate for your level of German and that interest you. As you read, make note of any new words or expressions that you come across, and look them up in a dictionary. You can then add these words to your vocabulary journal or flashcards.


In Franz Kafka's "Die Verwandlung" (The Metamorphosis), the protagonist Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning to find that he has been transformed into a giant insect. The book is full of vivid descriptions and unusual vocabulary, such as "ungeheuerlich" (monstrous) and "Ungeziefer" (vermin).

4. Watch German TV Shows and Movies

Watching German TV shows and movies is a fun and engaging way to improve your German vocabulary. Choose shows or movies that interest you and that are appropriate for your level of German. As you watch, make note of any new words or expressions that you hear, and look them up in a dictionary if necessary. You can then add these words to your vocabulary journal or flashcards.


In the German film "Das Leben der Anderen" (The Lives of Others), a Stasi agent is tasked with spying on a playwright and his lover in 1980s East Berlin. The film is full of rich language and complex characters, such as the playwright's lover, an actress named Christa-Maria Sieland.

5. Practice with Native Speakers

One of the best ways to improve your German vocabulary is to practice with native speakers. If you don't have access to native speakers in person, you can find language partners online using sites like iTalki or Tandem. Practice speaking and writing in German with your language partner, and ask them to help you with any new words or expressions that you're struggling with.


You could ask your language partner to help you with the German word "gemütlich," which is often translated as "cozy" or "comfortable," but has a deeper cultural meaning that's difficult to translate.


1. What does "wie sagt man noch" mean?

"Wie sagt man noch" means "how do you say again?" It's a useful phrase for when you can't quite remember a word or expression in German.

2. How can I expand my German vocabulary?

There are many ways to expand your German vocabulary, such as keeping a vocabulary journal, using flashcards, reading German literature, watching German TV shows and movies, and practicing with native speakers.

3. What are some common German words and expressions?

Some common German words and expressions include "hallo" (hello), "gut" (good), "danke" (thank you), "bitte" (please), "ich liebe dich" (I love you), "wie geht es dir?" (how are you?), and "auf Wiedersehen" (goodbye).


Expanding your German vocabulary takes time and effort, but it's a rewarding process that can greatly improve your language skills. By using "wie sagt man noch" and the tips outlined in this article, you can build your repertoire of German words and expressions and become a more confident and effective communicator in the language.

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